
Who we are

Any references in this Privacy Policy Statement to “we”, “us” are to Veritas Global. Veritas Global is part of Omnia Global Group of Companies.

At Veritas Globall we are committed to maintaining your privacy. By accessing our websites and submitting your information, you indicate that you have read, acknowledged and agree to us processing your information.


When visitors leave comments on our site, we gather the information provided in the comments form, as well as the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string. These measures are in place to aid in spam detection and maintain the integrity of our platform.

Additionally, an anonymized string generated from your email address (referred to as a hash) might be shared with the Gravatar service to determine if you are utilizing it. For more information on the Gravatar service’s privacy policy, please visit: Gravatar Privacy Policy. Following the approval of your comment, your profile picture becomes publicly visible within the context of your comment.

We appreciate your engagement and encourage meaningful discussions within our community. Rest assured that your privacy and security remain our priority as we work to foster an informative and respectful environment for all visitors.


When you upload images to our website, we recommend refraining from including images that contain embedded location data (EXIF GPS). It’s important to note that visitors to the website have the capability to download and extract location data from images that are hosted on the site.

We value your privacy and security, and this precautionary measure is aimed at protecting any potential personal information that may inadvertently be embedded within images. Please be cautious when sharing images and consider removing or disabling location data before uploading them to our platform. If you have any concerns or questions about image privacy, feel free to reach out to our team.


At times, we may use cookies to enhance your experience on our site. Below, we outline various scenarios where cookies may come into play:

  • Comment Cookies: If you leave a comment on our site, you have the option to save your name, email address, and website in cookies. This choice is for your convenience, ensuring you don’t need to re-enter your information each time you comment. These cookies have a duration of one year.

  • Login Page Cookies: When you visit our login page, a temporary cookie may be set to determine if your browser accepts cookies. Rest assured, this cookie does not contain any personal data and is discarded as soon as you close your browser.

  • Login Cookies: Upon logging in, several cookies might be set up to retain your login information and your chosen screen display preferences. Login cookies remain active for two days, while screen options cookies persist for one year. If you choose the “Remember Me” option, your login will remain active for two weeks. Logging out of your account will remove these login cookies.

  • Article Editing Cookies: If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie does not include any personal data; it simply indicates the post ID of the article you’ve edited. It expires after one day.

We prioritize your privacy, and our use of cookies is intended to enhance your browsing experience. Should you have any questions or concerns about cookies and their usage on our site, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. Your comfort and security while using our platform are of paramount importance to us.

Embedded content from other websites

Please note that articles on our site may contain embedded content, such as videos, images, or articles, that originate from other websites. It’s important to understand that embedded content from external sources functions just like it would if you were to visit the respective external website directly.

These external websites might gather data about you, utilize cookies, incorporate additional third-party tracking mechanisms, and monitor your interactions with the embedded content. This tracking extends to your interactions with the embedded content even if you possess an account and are logged into the external website.

We encourage you to be aware of these possibilities when engaging with embedded content on our platform. For further clarity or any queries regarding embedded content and its interactions, please feel free to reach out to us. Your privacy and informed usage of our website are our top priorities.

Who we share your data with

In certain circumstances, we may share your data to fulfill specific functionalities or requests. For instance, if you request a password reset, please be aware that your IP address will be included in the password reset email for verification purposes.

Your privacy and data security remain integral to our practices. If you have any questions or concerns about data sharing, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are committed to ensuring that your interactions with our platform are transparent, secure, and aligned with your expectations.

How long we retain your data

When you leave a comment on our site, both the comment itself and its associated metadata are retained indefinitely. This practice enables us to automatically recognize and approve any subsequent follow-up comments, expediting the process instead of placing them in a moderation queue.

For users who choose to register on our website (if applicable), we securely store the personal information they provide in their user profile. It’s important to note that all registered users have the capability to view, edit, or delete their personal information at any time. However, please note that the username cannot be changed. Additionally, website administrators possess the ability to access and manage this information.

We place a high priority on safeguarding your data and respecting your preferences. If you have any questions or wish to discuss the retention of comments or user profiles, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to ensure that your experience on our platform aligns with your privacy expectations and preferences.

What rights you have over your data

If you hold an account on our site or have left comments, you have certain rights concerning the data associated with your interactions:

  1. Data Export Request: You have the right to request an exported file containing the personal data we have on record for you. This includes any data you have provided to us during your engagement with our platform.

  2. Data Erasure Request: You can request the deletion of any personal data we possess about you. However, please note that this does not encompass data that we are obligated to retain for administrative, legal, or security reasons.

Your privacy and control over your data are important to us. If you wish to exercise these rights or have any queries related to your data and its management, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re committed to facilitating a transparent and respectful data management process that aligns with your preferences.

Where your data is sent

For visitor comments on our site, it’s important to be aware that they may undergo a scrutiny process via an automated spam detection service. This measure is in place to ensure the security and integrity of our platform and to maintain a positive user experience for all visitors.

Rest assured that your data’s security remains a priority, and we take precautions to prevent unauthorized access or misuse. Should you have any concerns or questions about the handling of your data, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to ensure your peace of mind and a safe digital environment for your interactions.

Solutions tailored to meet your needs.

We offer solutions specifically designed for your unique requirements, ensuring the utmost level of protection and support through bespoke care pathways.

or call us 1-615-651-7309 (ext:7309)