
Our Why.

Guided by Passion

At the heart of our operations is an unwavering passion. We aim to not just meet, but to exceed the global assistance needs of our clients, offering an unparalleled level of attention that’s as personal as it is professional.

A Mission of Care and Support

Our ultimate goal is to offer premier medical assistance and clinical support to both individuals and organizations across the globe, cementing their safety and well-being no matter where they are.

Values that Illuminate Our Path

Anchored in compassion, committed to excellence, and inspired by innovation—these values are the cornerstone of our ethos. They empower us to deliver services that are both bespoke and dependable.

Embracing the Future

Harnessing the dual powers of cutting-edge technology and seasoned expertise, we’re more than just a service provider. We’re a trusted ally, instilling confidence in every journey, and championing health and well-being on a global scale.

What We Do

Travel Risk Assessments

Travel Risk Assessments

Harness our expertise. We meticulously analyze variables such as travel destinations, political climate, crime statistics, potential health issues, and environmental concerns. This aids in ascertaining the risks associated with your travel. Moreover, our assessments are dynamic, constantly adapting to evaluate risks and devising proactive strategies throughout your journey – before, during, and after.

24/7 Global Travel & Security Response and Assistance

24/7 Global Travel & Security Response and Assistance

Our advanced platform facilitates real-time tracking and surveillance of employees for organizations, streamlining safety and immediate response mechanisms. This vital information aids in rapid reaction during crises, safeguarding employees especially when vulnerabilities are at their peak. Trust in our team, equipped with the latest technological instruments, to provide real-time, precise data on your employees' movement sand safety.

Risk & Crisis Management

Risk & Crisis Management

Our process initiates with an in-depth travel behaviour analysis, pinpointing possible risks and assessing their potential repercussions. Guided by this evaluation, we collaborate with you to craft a customized risk management blueprint, detailing countermeasures for potential risks and a rapid response framework for unforeseen crises.

Medical Emergency Response Planning and Support

Medical Emergency Response Planning and Support

At the crux of emergencies stands our Global Security Operations Center (GSOC), primed for immediate intervention and assistance. Trained for a spectrum of crises, our team proactively offers services ranging from evacuations and medical aid to other essential supports. Our overarching emergency response framework is meticulously crafted to prioritize and ensure our client's safety and well-being, regardless of the circumstances.

Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism

When you choose Veritas Global for your Medical Tourism needs, you're choosing a seamless integration of healthcare and travel. Our expert team meticulously orchestrates every aspect of your medical journey, from arranging appointments with renowned medical professionals to planning your travel logistics. With us by your side, you can rest assured that your health and comfort are our top priorities.

Cost Containment

Cost Containment

Within the realm of cost containment, Veritas Global offers a comprehensive array of specialized services that are finely tuned to meet the distinct needs of our clients. Our core focus on cost containment is underscored by our commitment to delivering strategic solutions that effectively manage expenses while maintaining the highest standards of care and support.

Why choose us?

Global Protection, Personal Touch

Choose us for comprehensive medical and risk management, even in the most challenging environments. We specialize in tailored safety solutions, emergency evacuations, and abroad care coordination. With us, you're protected every moment of the year, guaranteed access to the care you require, wherever the journey takes you.

The Veritas Difference

Challenging the Ordinary


More than just assessing the practicalities of travel, we recognize the importance of human emotion and empathy. Our evaluations don't just focus on numbers and data, but on the individual at the heart of the journey. Every risk analysis we conduct takes into consideration the unique needs and concerns of the traveler, ensuring a journey that feels understood and cared for.


Our commitment to superior service drives us to delve deeply into comprehensive risk assessments. We scrutinize factors like political stability, crime rates, health threats, and environmental hazards. Our dynamic approach ensures that travelers are equipped with the most pertinent, up-to-date information, empowering them with knowledge and safety measures before, during, and after their travels.


Remaining at the cutting edge of travel risk management, we utilize the latest technological advancements to enhance our risk assessment and mitigation strategies. This isn't just about understanding the current conditions of a destination; it's about anticipating potential challenges and offering forward-thinking solutions for every step of the journey.

A Message From Our COO

The heart of our company lies within our people and their passion for fostering confidence and security in every global venture. We are more than a company; we are a family with a singular focus on enhancing the assistance experience.
Chris Watson, Chief Operating Officer Veritas Global

Our Global Network

Veritas represents the world's leading travel, medical, security and regional service providers.


Aviation Hubs




Medical Personnel


Patients Served



COVID-19 and Infectious Disease

As the world heals from the impact of global pandemic, we remain a leader on the frontlines of COVID-19. The pandemic has only highlighted the importance of our services. We continue to provide tailored healthcare solutions to private sector, governments, international aid organizations and humanitarian concerns. offers robust on-site medical and medical logistics in support of our assistance and travel risk management services.

Solutions tailored to meet your needs.

We offer solutions specifically designed for your unique requirements, ensuring the utmost level of protection and support through bespoke care pathways.

or call us 1-615-651-7309 (ext:7309)

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