
Elevate Medical Transport to New Heights

When the situation demands swift and expert medical evacuation, every second counts. Our Aeromedical Evacuations and Medical Escort Repatriation service ensures that patients are transported safely and efficiently, adhering to the rigorous EURAMI standards. With integrated medical escorts, we offer a holistic approach to patient care during transit.

Core Services

We understand that duty of care is not just a legal requirement, but also a critical aspect of your coporate responsibility.


Before any evacuation, we conduct a thorough medical assessment, ensuring compatibility with EURAMI standards and that every patient receives optimal care during transport.


Real-time updates and oversight ensure adherence to the highest medical and safety standards, with our medical escorts providing continuous care throughout the journey.


From document management to liaising with healthcare facilities, we handle every logistical detail, allowing our medical professionals and escorts to concentrate solely on patient care.


With the Global Security Operations Center (GSOC) at the helm, we can initiate medical evacuations in line with EURAMI standards, backed by our extensive network of medical experts and partners.

The Veritas Global Promise

Our promise is underpinned by a commitment to excellence, upholding the EURAMI standards, and a relentless pursuit of patient safety and well-being. Every aeromedical evacuation we conduct and every medical escort we provide reflects our dedication to these principles.

Our unwavering promise begins with your safety as our utmost priority. We dedicate ourselves to meticulously assessing potential risks and crafting strategies that safeguard you against uncertainties. From political stability to health concerns, we leave no stone unturned, ensuring that you step into your travels with a sense of security and preparedness.

At Veritas Global, our promise isn’t confined to the present. We are perpetually vigilant, always scanning the horizon for emerging risks and challenges. Our commitment to innovation ensures that you’re equipped with cutting-edge technology and up-to-date insights. Your safety is not a static state; it’s an evolving journey, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Safeguarding Patients in Transit

Medical evacuations and escorting demand a blend of medical expertise and seamless logistics. Ensuring the safety and well-being of patients during such critical transfers forms the essence of our duty of care.

Key Elements of Aeromedical Duty of Care:

  1. Medical Evaluation: Assess the medical needs and stability of patients. Ensure the right resources, from equipment to personnel, are deployed.
  2. Adherence to Standards: Strictly follow EURAMI standards, ensuring top-notch medical care during aerial transfers.
  3. Seamless Communication: Maintain clear channels between ground teams, flight crew, receiving facilities, and families, ensuring all are informed.
  4. Specialized Training: Equip our aeromedical teams with rigorous training, enabling them to handle medical challenges at 30,000 feet.
  5. Operational Preparedness: Establish robust protocols for varying medical scenarios, from sudden health deteriorations to in-flight medical emergencies.
  6. Continuous Monitoring: Leverage technology to oversee the medical condition of patients, ensuring their well-being throughout the journey.

By making aeromedical duty of care paramount, we not only ensure the safety of the patient but also provide peace of mind to their loved ones, underscoring our commitment to excellence in patient transit care.

Your Partner in Critical Care Transports

Veritas Global is your trusted partner in the skies and on the ground. Our medical escorts, skilled in critical care, ensure patients are continuously monitored and cared for. Combined with our rapid response capability and adherence to EURAMI standards, we redefine safety and comfort in medical transportation.

Ensuring Safe Medical Transits

A successful medical evacuation hinges on meticulous planning, expert medical care, and seamless logistics, ensuring patients are transferred safely to facilities equipped to meet their medical needs.

Our Comprehensive Medical Evacuation Services Include:

  1. Medical Assessment: Evaluate the medical condition of patients to determine the level of care and resources required during transit.
  2. Safety Protocols: Adhere to stringent safety measures and medical standards, ensuring patient stability throughout the evacuation.
  3. Location Evaluation: Assess the medical infrastructure at the destination to ensure it meets the patient’s requirements.
  4. Collaboration with Healthcare Facilities: Work in tandem with sending and receiving medical facilities for smooth transitions.
  5. Pre-evacuation Preparation: Ensure all medical equipment and medications are prepped and ready for the transit.
  6. Trained Medical Teams: Deploy teams trained for various medical contingencies during evacuations, from basic care to critical life support.
  7. Emergency Protocols: Establish robust emergency response plans tailored to potential in-transit medical emergencies.
  8. Continuous Monitoring: Leverage advanced medical tech to monitor the patient’s condition throughout the evacuation process.
  9. Legal and Ethical Standards: Regularly review and align our practices with current medical, duty of care, and legal standards.
  10. Post-Evacuation Follow-ups: Ensure continuity of care by liaising with receiving medical facilities and updating concerned parties about patient status.

With our expertise in medical evacuations, we aim to provide patients and their loved ones a secure, medically sound, and stress-free transfer experience.


Solutions tailored to meet your needs.

We offer solutions specifically designed for your unique requirements, ensuring the utmost level of protection and support through bespoke care pathways.

or call us 1-615-651-7309 (ext:7309)