
Our Origin and our Purpose?

Our Origin

Founded by a group of travel enthusiasts and medical professionals, Veritas Global was born from the recognition of a deep-seated need – to create a world where every traveler, be it a business magnate venturing into new markets or a solo traveler exploring the unseen, feels safe, cared for, and secure.


Travel broadens horizons but also brings with it a myriad of risks – from health emergencies to geopolitical upheavals. Veritas Global is here to mitigate those risks. We offer a comprehensive suite of services that ensure you are prepared for every eventuality, and should the unexpected occur, we’re there to assist, no matter where you are. Our multifaceted approach combines cutting-edge technology, an extensive global network, and a dedicated team of professionals who are always on standby. Your safety and well-being are our primary concerns, and we strive to provide a seamless experience, always. Dive deeper into our services and discover the Veritas difference – because truth and trust are the cornerstones of every journey.

The Veritas Team

Our true power lies in our team and the culture we've cultivated. Even the most advanced technology or groundbreaking intellectual property pales in comparison to what can be achieved when wielded by a team united by a shared vision and mutual respect. The Veritas Team is a diverse blend of industry professionals, with expertise ranging from clinical and operational aspects to technology, risk management, and crisis response. Together, we define the pinnacle of excellence.


Operational Hubs



424 Church St,
ST 2000 Nashville,
TN 37219

Madrid Spain

Kyiv Ukraine

Johannesburg South Africa

Berlin Germany

Tripoli Libya

London UK

Clinics / Medical Centers


What does Veritas Global do?

Veritas Global excels in providing a diverse range of services, spanning from risk management and medical assistance to transportation logistics and aviation support. Our clientele is vast, encompassing international corporations, governmental bodies, NGOs, and philanthropic organizations.

Our strength lies in our adaptive methodology and the integration of cutting-edge technology, ensuring we deliver solutions tailored to individual needs that surpass the norm.

At our core, adaptability and responsiveness are paramount. We recognize the distinct challenges each partnership presents. This awareness propels us to craft strategic alliances, ensuring our services perfectly synchronize with your core mission, amplifying your success.

Our commitment to excellence is amplified by leveraging state-of-the-art technological solutions. This enables us to consistently exceed our promises and amplify our unwavering dedication in all we do. Every aspect of our work, from planning to execution, echoes our unmatched dedication.

With Veritas Global at your side, you gain the assurance to navigate your operation’s complexities confidently. We adopt your aspirations, ensuring your path forward is defined by innovation, commitment, and unparalleled support.

Solutions tailored to meet your needs.

We offer solutions specifically designed for your unique requirements, ensuring the utmost level of protection and support through bespoke care pathways.

or call us 1-615-651-7309 (ext:7309)